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World101 from the Council on Foreign Relations



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From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, World101 is celebrating #CivicsSeason with a TikTok trip around the world!

Make your way to World101’s TikTok channel and follow us before Tuesday, June 14th when we will be wheels up on our 193-part TikTok series, exploring all the countries that comprise this interconnected world we share. It’s our way of showcasing #GlobalCivics and why understanding the forces, actors, and history that shape modern global affairs is an essential part of twenty-first century citizenship.

For curious first-time fliers, World101’s TikTok channel is home to hundreds of fun, fact-checked micro-lessons about the world and how it works. Our viral video posts are remixes of World101, an award-winning learning platform from the Council on Foreign Relations that uses multimedia and jargon-free language to introduce students of all ages to the fundamentals of foreign policy and international relations.

Activity Type:

Solo Activity, Virtual



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