How do we develop the next generation of voters and expand the electorate? Join the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), the nation’s leading, nonpartisan applied research institute on youth voting, as we present a new paradigm to guide the work of preparing young people for electoral participation: CIRCLE Growing Voters. Based on exclusive, rigorous research, our framework serves as a guide for every institution and community to help grow voters, with actionable recommendations for educators, organizers, policymakers, journalists, funders, families, young leaders, and more. Only by working together can we close voting gaps, expand the electorate, and support a more equitable and representative American democracy.
Join us on June 14 at 2:00 p.m. for a special virtual event as we release a groundbreaking new report and introduce the CIRCLE Growing Voters framework. We’ll present an overview of the research in the report, feature a panel of young voters, and hear from experts in various fields about how they’re working to put into practice the principles of CIRCLE Growing Voters. We’ll also share additional opportunities to learn about this work in the coming weeks and months.