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Comedy and Conversations: Reconstructing Reconstruction

2 hours

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Atlanta History Center: Midtown Campus


1 – 15

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Comedy and Conversations is a program created by Munir Meghjani and David Perdue (not that one) that uses humor to shine a light on serious or underexplored topics. They recruit talented local comedians and subject matter experts to share their knowledge with you—and maybe make you laugh along the way.

Atlanta History Center is partnering with the program to host a night about one of the least understood eras of our state’s history: Reconstruction. We will hear from some funny comedians, discuss what you were (or weren’t!) taught in school, and learn how to navigate historical bias.

This program is part of Atlanta History Center’s celebration of the Civic Season, a nationwide initiative encouraging historically informed civic participation through a two-week activation between Juneteenth and July 4th.

Tickets are $10 each, but if you buy 2 the second ticket is 50% off!

In partnership with Comedy and Conversations

Activity Type:

Social Activity, In Person, Outdoor



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