In Driving While Black, a film by Dr. Gretchen Sorin and Ric Burns, viewers discover how the advent of the automobile brought new mobility and freedom for African Americans—and exposed them to discrimination and deadly violence. It also examines the complex dynamics of race, space, and mobility that are still deeply embedded in the American experience today. This documentary is based on Sorin’s 2020 book, Driving While Black: African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights. Participants who register for this program will have the opportunity to view the documentary on their own before joining us for a facilitated discussion. The evening will begin with a welcome by Ric Burns and Dr. Gretchen Sorin. Dr. Miller W. Boyd III, a ninth-grade social studies teacher and the director of the Steward Scholars Program, will give a brief overview of how Green Books were used in St. Louis. The audience can then participate in facilitated dialogue with Sarah Pharaon, principal of Dialogic Consulting, and Dina Bailey, CEO of Mountain Top Vision.
Registration for this program is free. Space is limited.
In collaboration with the Cooperstown Graduate Program, the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, and Steeplechase Films.