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National Archives Foundation



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To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, the National Archives and National Archives Foundation hosts online featured documents from the war and virtual programming to honor the occasion. The online exhibit and programming is made possible through the generous support of the Ford Motor Company Fund.

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Create a Youth Voter Registration Campaign

Create a Youth Voter Registration Campaign

By Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Get in the Game

Get in the Game

By AllVoteNoPlay

  • Anytime/On Your Own
What’s the link between education and incarceration?
Freedom and the Future of Learning
Take the Sworn-Again America Oath

Take the Sworn-Again America Oath

By Citizen University

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Civic Engagement Challenge

Civic Engagement Challenge

By N/A

  • Anytime/On Your Own