Watch now as experts delve into the significance of Abraham Lincoln’s 1838 Lyceum Address on ‘The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.’ This thought-provoking, short documentary series explores the alarming events that motivated Lincoln to deliver his speech, the timeless argument for investing in civic education, and the dangers of taking our political institutions for granted. Join us as we explore Lincoln’s powerful political ideas and discuss how they resonate with the challenges we face in safeguarding democracy today. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain new insight from renowned scholars on this crucial topic. This documentary series is brought to you by the Lincoln Presidential Foundation, award-winning producers of ‘Warning Signs: Lincoln’s Response to Rising Threats in the 1850s’
© 2023 Lincoln Presidential Foundation
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“Fortifying Our Democracy” is a production of Lincoln Presidential Foundation
Made possible with generous support from Iron Mountain
Directed by The Storyteller Studios
Saladin Ambar, Ph.D. Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University
Kate Masur, Ph.D. Professor of History, Northwestern University
Angela G. Ray, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Northwestern University
Manisha Sinha, Ph.D. Draper Chair in American History, University of Connecticut