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“Whether you realize it or not as an athlete, you have a great impact and influence amongst peers and young people and others and this is a time to use it.” – Senator Cory Booker

Watch Senator Cory Booker, former Stanford football player, talk about his belief that “Democracy is not a Spectator Sport.”

After you watch this short video, discuss how you and your team – in sports, school or your community – will “get on the field” to support Democracy.

Activity Type:

Social Activity, Virtual



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Global Governance Module: Who’s Responsible for Peace?

Global Governance Module: Who’s Responsible for Peace?

By World101 from the Council on Foreign Relations

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Culinary Traditions within the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma with Chef Nico Albert

Culinary Traditions within the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma with Chef Nico Albert

By Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Visit an urban garden from the American Revolution

Visit an urban garden from the American Revolution

By Historic Alexandria

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Tour Guide Tell All Podcast

Tour Guide Tell All Podcast

By DC by Foot

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Civic Saturdays: Historic Preservation

Civic Saturdays: Historic Preservation

By Applewood Estate


Slice of History: Mexican American Civil Rights Lotería

Slice of History: Mexican American Civil Rights Lotería

By Mexican American Civil Rights Institute

  • Live in Real Time
