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American Civil War Museum

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The events that occurred at our nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021 are not only shocking in today’s world, but also generated comparisons to previous episodes from history.

As images, video clips, and news reports filled social media feeds, they invited comparisons to previous historical events and inquiries about connections to the past. Many of these questions were related to the Civil War era.

ACWM has compiled a list of resources that speak to many of these questions, and help provide historical context to these events. Many are new pieces written by Civil War historians, sharing the connections that they see in current events and conversations as they unfold.

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Truth on The Rocks: 10th Anniversary

Truth on The Rocks: 10th Anniversary

By National Center for Civil and Human Rights

  • Live in Real Time


Migration Module

Migration Module

By World101 from the Council on Foreign Relations

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Learning about MLK, Racism, and Activism (for Educators and Caregivers)

Learning about MLK, Racism, and Activism (for Educators and Caregivers)

By National Museum of African American History and Culture

  • Anytime/On Your Own
How We Became America: The Untold History (Videos)

How We Became America: The Untold History (Videos)

By American Battlefield Trust

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Deep-Dish Dialogue: Rebuilding the Food System

Deep-Dish Dialogue: Rebuilding the Food System

By Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Understanding the Election Process