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What is the story of Juneteenth? Why do we celebrate this newly designated federal holiday, and how is it connected to one of the most cherished American ideals: freedom? This award-winning short documentary explores the history and meaning of Juneteenth with Ms. Opal Lee, the “Grandmother of Juneteenth,” and preeminent scholars, and illustrates how and why freedom and citizenship were intertwined.

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Black Migration In Iowa

Black Migration In Iowa

By Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Education Guides on Reconstruction

Education Guides on Reconstruction

By American Civil War Museum

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Hostile Terrain 94: Installation on U.S.-Mexico Border Policies

Hostile Terrain 94: Installation on U.S.-Mexico Border Policies

By Museum of Us

  • Live in Real Time


Connect the Past and the Present with an OurStoryBridge Project
What’s the link between education and incarceration?
Welcome to ‘Asian Enough,’ Season 2

Welcome to ‘Asian Enough,’ Season 2

By Los Angeles Times

  • Anytime/On Your Own