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Vermont Historical Society



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How can every citizen have a voice? Town meeting each spring in Vermont is central to its identity as a little state that does things differently. But what happens when it needs to change during a pandemic? Or when it changes because Vermont itself has changed? This podcast episode explores democratic traditions in Vermont, how they were once used to encourage democracy worldwide, and what they mean for the voice of people today.
Before Your Time is produced in partnership with Vermont Humanities.

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Dive Deeper

Rural America in the 1920s – From Organized Crime to the America First Movement
Masters of Modern Design Activity

Masters of Modern Design Activity

By Japanese American National Museum

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Juneteenth Community Gathering

Juneteenth Community Gathering

By Longfellow House-Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site

  • Live in Real Time


What do you think every American should know?

What do you think every American should know?

By Aspen Institute Citizenship and American Identity Program

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Redlining Heritage Trail Tour

Redlining Heritage Trail Tour

By Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience


What’s your Civic Superpower? Take the Quiz!

What’s your Civic Superpower? Take the Quiz!

By Made By Us

  • Anytime/On Your Own