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Videos for Change



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All it takes is one powerful idea to create change. Submit a one-minute video about a social issue you feel passionate and you could win some incredible opportunities to amplify your voice to a global audience. Visit videosforchange.org for free resources to help you get started. Open to youth aged 13-18. Entries close July 12!



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Hear American Stories from Soldiers

Hear American Stories from Soldiers

By National Museum of the United States Army

Walk Through the War: 1865

Walk Through the War: 1865

By American Civil War Museum

Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence

By Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Monticello

  • Anytime/On Your Own
#STILLWEVOTE Voter Registration Drive

#STILLWEVOTE Voter Registration Drive

By Heurich House Museum

  • Live in Real Time


Meet 15 Kentuckians in the state’s Human Rights Hall of Fame

Meet 15 Kentuckians in the state’s Human Rights Hall of Fame

By Kentucky Historical Society

  • Anytime/On Your Own
WWI Changed Us: Puerto Rico in WWI (in English)