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Henry Johnson, a Black man who had left the South as part of the Great Migration, signed up to serve his country during World War I. But the American military at the time was segregated, and Pvt. Henry Johnson and his regiment of Harlem Hellfighters were attached to a French army unit on the front lines. Read about their defense against enemy attack in May of 1918, and how Johnson became one of the first Americans ever awarded France’s Croix de Guerre. And read what happened afterwards…

America250 is a multi-year effort to commemorate the semiquincentennial, or 250th anniversary, of the United States. The purpose of the U.S. Semiquincentennial Commission, created by Congress, and the corresponding America250 Foundation, is to catalyze a more perfect union by designing and leading the most comprehensive and inclusive celebration in our country’s history. America250 represents a coalition of public and private partners all working to create initiatives and programs that honor our first 250 years and inspire Americans to imagine our next 250.

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Podcast: Gay Life in 1950s Cherry Grove, New York

Podcast: Gay Life in 1950s Cherry Grove, New York

By New-York Historical Society

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Veterans Remember Vietnam

Veterans Remember Vietnam

By National Archives Foundation

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“Moved by Waters” – Water Quality Collaborations Film
Becoming US: An Educational Resource

Becoming US: An Educational Resource

By Smithsonian National Museum of American History

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Peaceful transfers of power? Not a guarantee in early America

Peaceful transfers of power? Not a guarantee in early America

By Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Monticello

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Fortifying Our Democracy: Lincoln’s Lyceum Address