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Senator John Heinz History Center

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Best known as a widely respected NAACP organizer, Daisy Lampkin spent decades tirelessly crusading for civil and women’s rights through a variety of local and national organizations.

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Student Publications on Racial Injustice and Social Change

Student Publications on Racial Injustice and Social Change

By Society of Undergraduate Humanities Publications

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Juneteenth Event – Exhibit Chat & Walking Tour: Whose American Revolution? The Stories of Slavery and Indigenous History in the Monuments of Newark’s Harriet Tubman Square
Fresh Talk: Sarah Lewis–Vision and Justice

Fresh Talk: Sarah Lewis–Vision and Justice

By National Museum of Women in the Arts

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Diverse Voices in Invention

Diverse Voices in Invention

By Smithsonian National Museum of American History

  • Anytime/On Your Own
Revere House Radio’s Podcast on Colonial Boston and Paul Revere
NAACP organizer, Daisy Lampkin

NAACP organizer, Daisy Lampkin

By Senator John Heinz History Center

  • Anytime/On Your Own